Once upon a time there was a little girl...
A dreamer, a free spirit who climbed trees, rode her bike, read fairy tales and created her own stories.
She had friends, a stable loving family, lived in the leafy suburbs of London, enjoyed holidays abroad and in comparison to many children worldwide, had what could be perceived as the ideal childhood.
Though one day things changed within her, she had the first of her 'awakenings', the first of her existential crisis'. Who knows how and when these things are triggered? What had she heard or seen that provoked the realisation that one day she would no longer exist, yet the world around her would continue...what was death? The beginning or the end? Why did humans murder and harm each-other? Why did it matter the differences between humans, their religion or skin colour? The melancholy began early on and would subsequently return throughout her life despite being a positive, thankful and fun loving individual. When the darkness came over her it could be debilitating at times.
The nightmares began, the darkness and the blood red sky, the explosions, a dream that would return throughout the rest of her life.
Life happened, shit happened, things didn't quite go as she imagined, perhaps Walt Disney was to blame for that one, but writing was the one thing that was her escape always. And music, music accompanied her always.
She had always believed in something greater than humanity, a powerful source, a benevolent being. She tried her hand at Christianity, and despite learning some very important lessons and found many 'truths' that resonated within the bible, it was not to be her path for a number of reasons. Religion, as a man made concept, began to trouble her greatly, with the manipulation of the word, the excuse for the annihilation of others in the name of 'God'. Her connection to nature, a sense of being connected to something that did not need a name, searching within oneself for answers and change, resonated far more. 'Eyes to the sky' as one astronomer she follows became a habit early on, searching for others that she believed must have far more wisdom than humans, that were present, observing but not interfering as of course, we were given a free will, a choice. But at what stage could this free will continue with ever increasing destruction of our planet?
Over the years she began experiencing what some term as 'paranormal' experiences, or others term an awakening, connecting with a collective conscious, a stimulation of the pineal gland that allowed her senses to become massively sharpened and acute though which at times became uncomfortable.
Some would term this state of being as an intuitive, an empath, uncomfortable if you do not understand nor have the knowledge and understanding to control and protect yourself when appropriate. What about information that would seemingly appear from nowhere? Was this imagination or knowledge she was being gifted? Some refer to this as 'downloads'.
The uncomfortable feeling, sensations of a 'warning' became stronger and stronger throughout her life, the sensation that she was 'waiting for something to happen' the true reason for existence on levels almost incomprehensible to her. But she began to discover more and more people who felt the same way, worldwide, ideas and experiences that resonated, totally in accordance with her own.
She no longer cared if some thought she was 'odd' or a 'conspiracy theorist' things were falling into place, the remaining pieces of the puzzle.
The powerful feelings of an impending catastrophe started building rapidly in 2017. She could not completely understand what would be the trigger, with so many obvious possibilities to choose from; climate emergency, World War 3, another huge global recession...take your pick but this overwhelming feeling grew like never before. Many personal life changing events occurred during that time, positive and negative depending on your perspective, yet all preparing her for what was to come.
During 2019, as some close to her will confirm, the feeling of impending disaster and an urgency to make important changes became overwhelmingly powerful: 2020 something huge would begin to change the course of our lives forever. She warned some family and close friends and subsequently some changes were made on a personal level in preparation.
Sometimes she would feel doubt herself and concern for her mental and spiritual well being; was she exaggerating, was she sensitive to the extreme? But the feeling in the pit of her stomach continued, the vivid sometimes distressing dreams. December 2019 she heard a prophesy for 2020 and everything began to fall into place, everything she instinctively 'knew' on a higher realm. It was time to prepare for what was coming, grieve for the end of the world as we knew it. Grief or nostalgia for some, not for others who had already been living in a planetary hell for years. Those whose nations had already been destroyed and ravaged, those without hope on the brink of starvation. Did we really want to go back to 'the way things were'? No, it was beyond the point of no return and anyone with an iota of sensitivity and empathy knew that humans could not continue for much longer on this path, it was unsustainable on every level.
Did she feel the pandemic would be the trigger? No, that part took her by surprise despite watching the story unfold from January 2020. She was watching elsewhere; The potential for Nuclear fallout, solar weather, system collapse, economic and otherwise, polar shift and spiritual ascension. But hey, it's all about timing...
Why am I sharing my story? This is a brief introduction into ultimately what sowed the seeds for my 'novel'. I call it a 'SCI Fi/Fantasy Thriller' in order to make it more palatable to the majority and ultimately it is just that, a story, my story, my perception.
Through events out of my control, I was lead back to Spain, into quarantine, where one of the most severe and restrictive lockdowns in the world was in place. This is what gave me the time and space to write, as well as being my salvation during what can only be described as imprisonment, the ultimate test for a free spirit, not even being permitted one hour of exercise a day. Just a weekly walk to the supermarket and pharmacy through an industrial estate.
Each of us experienced those 90 days very differently depending on our home life, financial situation, our surroundings and our perception of what was really going on. Yes, there was a certain beauty and peace in the silence, some time for contemplation and time and space for nature to regenerate...
The experience however has left many scarred and aware of the reality of what could happen next...
Is there hope? Well that depends on what you are hoping for; An end to this human madness? Yes, I believe this is it. 'The end times' have been spoken about for centuries if not millennia. Personally, I have never felt before what I'm feeling now, a shift greater than anything I've ever felt during my four and a half decades on Mother Earth. Time is just a construct and this 'end' will not be overnight, or at least I hope not, but the process is quickening and I believe these coming weeks and months will reveal even more of these changes at an exponential rate.
Am I scared? Of course I feel fear but I refuse to allow fear to overwhelm me for it is the ultimate tool for control. Do I feel sadness? Yes, daily. Do I feel excitement? Yes, it's as if finally everything I've felt and not truly understood all my life is now coming to fruition, whether I like it or not.
'When Time Stood Still' is my space to express all those feelings and sensations with some characters based on real life people and their experiences as well as my own. Humour, excitement, darkness, and joy are all intermixed to present a story that will be complete fantasy to some, and will present a deep truth to others. My ultimate goal is to finally share these life long experiences in a way that will appeal across the board, no matter the personal opinion nor background of the reader, and present it to the world in a way that is slightly different to the norm...
Yes, I need to survive and support my family and whilst the ultimate goal is not to achieve fame and fortune, a donation, no matter how big or small, in recognition of my work and research, would be most gratefully received when the time soon comes to publish.
In the meantime, I shall get on with my writing and share some links below which have been very helpful to me and served to confirm my own thoughts and perceptions of what is happening around us. Also, it is comforting to have likeminded people across the globe...
-This first link is to my youtube channel where I read some extracts from my novel:https://youtu.be/8CkNJZkLB6o
-I discovered these guys quite recently and find them very informative with a great friendly vibe-an alternative viewpoint on what's happening globally and in the USA :Evolutionary energy arts
Wages world; I discovered this channel when searching for information on space weather and the Schumann resonance. Another great channel and nice vibe Wages World
-I discovered the Cosmic agency a while back now and it blew me away as well as challenging me! There are some very interesting messages on here no matter what your belief systems may be: The Cosmic Agency
- Lee Harris shares knowledge and wisdom and is most comforting in these difficult times:
Lee Harris Energy
-Again I only discovered Simon Parkes in the last couple of months during Lockdown. He too offers an alternative perspective on things from an both an Earthly and spiritual perspective:
Simon Parkes
-And finally, a somewhat controversial character to many but someone I greatly admire for standing by his truth for decades despite the attacks on his character and career, he has weathered the storm and proven many of his theories, now more than ever...Mr David Icke!